Songs About Drugs On The Way to Work
‘Stability’ is something drug dealers don’t care about.
This was a maxim deciphered by this author, listening to the same two songs while walking to work each day.
The songs were both Jay-Z features called “Drug Dealer’s Anonymous” and “What’s Free”. Both about selling drugs and making a lot of money doing it.
(A highly recommended listen before a fight or sitting at a desk for eight hours).
It’s a heuristic to not get too comfortable at work.
A Linear life doesn’t exist when pushing crack on the street. The risks are exponential and you constantly have to adapt to the situations. Drug dealers simply do not care and find another way if things don’t work out.
The stories from the music mentally made me quit work before walking up those dreaded office stairs.
Many coworkers in that building were so comfortable it was scary. Though they were adults with responsibilities, they felt required to do their job. Each day I’d listen to complaints from ‘water cooler’ meetings and senseless whisperings around my desk.
Rather than just leave, they chose to arrive each day at a job they resented.
Drug dealers would’ve just done what they wanted. Quit and figure it out.
be a drug dealer (in that respect)