The Smoking Jogger
Opposite my run, is a man with joggers’ attire;
walking while he smokes.
This man burns his fat (and cigarette), while breathing the cancer, one step at a time.
His shoes are newer than the cigarette between his lips. I also recall him holding a pack in place of a water bottle.
He strolls while pocketing the nicotine deep into uncharted parts of his lungs. Simultaneously putting the fresh pack in his pockets.
The risks are asymmetric.
Smoking while walking is the same as pouring gasoline over your burning body. It’d be better to have smoked on the balcony like a regular smoker.
All the walking does is burn his lungs more than the calories.
Don’t be like the jogger who smokes.
Either smoke on the balcony or quit smoking, then jog.
Don’t do weird combos to gain some and lose more, and then some.
ultimately losing your hair in chemo.